Tuesday, May 30, 2017

23-24 Tolerance & Acceptance

23. Mommy, Mama, and Me by Leslea Newman. Illustrated by Carol Thompson
24. Daddy, Papa, and Me by Leslea Newman. Illustrated by Carol Thompson

I've recently finished watching Transparent on Amazon Prime. It took me 4 days to get through 3 seasons. Yeah, I guess you can say I liked it.

Now, I'm not apart of the LGBT+ Queer, Feminist community. And I'm not going to pretend like I understand what they go through or how they live, because I have no idea. I am a white, straight female living in the suburbs, with a baby, a husband, and a chihuahua. I can say with confidence that my family fits many stereotypical gender roles. I stay at home and take care of the baby while the husband works a labor-intensive job to bring home the bacon. I cook, I clean, I run the house.

Being said, I am 1000% supportive of the LGBTQI+ community. I have many friends who are in that community. I support and I LOVE them. I performed in Day of Silence and Night of Noise in college. I've been in drag shows. I've been to Pride. I believe they can be and love whoever or whatever they want. I've told Jenny already that she can do the same. I am teaching her, even at this young age, that some families have 2 mommies, some families have 2 daddies.

This series tells of a child doing everyday activities with their parents. There isn't any special attention to the fact that the child (who is not defined by a pronoun, or any gender-identifying clothing or other characteristics) has 2 mommies or 2 daddies. The title of the books are the only exception. I think the books are trying to appeal to all same-sex families by making the child gender-neutral. It's smart. The text is pretty repetitive. One page says "Daddy and I..." while the next page says, "Papa and I..." The story repeats with different activities until the end. Same goes with the Mommy and Mama title. The rhythm of the story is nice, and I think Jenny enjoyed the bright, bold pictures.

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