Friday, March 31, 2017

5. Llama Llama Red Pajama

5. Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney

I have a real soft spot for this book. I read it for my Children's Literature class in grad school, loved it then, love it now. It's really quite sad knowing there won't be any new Llama Llama books, since Anna Dewdney passed away last year. Thankfully, her legacy will live on through her story telling.
Llama Llama books always have great rhyme and rhythm. This is no difference. Just saying "llama," "pajama," "drama," and "mama" repetitivly through out this story brings pure joy to this mama. When a story flows and sings this nicely, it really increases its rereadability.

My favorite illustration is one that shows Mama Llama running up the stairs to her Baby Llama. So much action and excitement! It makes me laugh, as it's so relatable. When your baby is "weeping, wailing," you "run, run, RUN!"

This book also has a lesson. Don't worry so much if Mama isn't jumping to your aid. Baby Llama learns patience. I know baby's as small as Jenny don't really have any sense of patience, as she's only 4 months old. But when she gets older... this book will be awesome.

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